Occupational Therapy

Comprehensive Assessment

At our initial visit, we will perform a comprehensive assessment. This is used to highlight any areas which may require input allowing us to formulate a treatment plan for your child.

We specialise in understanding developmental milestones, assessing daily living skills, understanding sensory processing & promoting independence.

Where appropriate, we use standardised assessment tools such as:

Movement ABC 2: an assessment used for children used with motor coordination difficulties or dyspraxia. This assessment can be used to support a diagnosis of dyspraxia.

Sensory Profile 2:  an assessment used for understanding and grading children’s sensory difficulties.

Throughout the assessment process we will talk to you about your worries and put your goals at the forefront of our treatment.

Report Writing

Detailed reports can be written on request.

These may be used for a variety of purposes such as supporting applications for Disabled Living Allowance, Education Health & Care Plans and funding for equipment.

We can write a detailed outline of your child’s presentation and their physical needs.

Reports may include advice for further treatment & advice on referrals onto other agencies.

Reports can also be written up as a care package or treatment programme which can be used at home, school or with carers.

Physiotherapy treatments can include:

  • Gym ball activities
  • Balance & coordination exercises
  • Core stability programmes
  • Fine motor programmes
  • Functional skills practise
  • Special seating
  • Adaptive devices to assist daily living
  • Sleep systems

Providing advice, strategies & treatments to allow children to learn skills for their activities of daily living including:

  • Feeding
  • Dressing
  • Washing
  • Toileting
  • Sensory diet
  • Desensitisation
  • Proprioception activities
  • Adapting the environmen
  • Pre-writing
  • Handwriting
  • Typing
  • Assistive technology for recording work
  • Memory planning & organising
  • Teaching developmental milestones
  • Crawling
  • Sitting
  • Developmental play
  • Neuro-developmental therapy (Bobath)

Specialist occupational therapy treatment

Our goals are to maximise child’s ability to move, help them achieve developmental milestones and maximum participation in daily life and physical activity.

We offer a mobile service and can assess and treat your child in the most convenient location for you, be that at home, school, nursey and sport club.

Training & Assessments

Manual Handling Training & Risk Assessment

Training can be provided to carers, rehab assistants and school staff in handling, both therapeutic and functional. We can assess a wide variety of environments and tasks. We can provide advice on equipment and adaptions required to suit each individual child.

Housing & Adaptions Assessments

Our therapists are experienced in providing advice on housing and adaptions including planning for future care, supported living or independent living.
Our team can work with planners and designers to maximise an individual or families’ ability to live and function in their home.

Contact our team for more information