
Comprehensive Assessment
At our initial visit, we will perform a comprehensive assessment. This is used to highlight any areas which may require input allowing us to formulate a treatment plan for your child.
We specialise in understanding developmental milestones, assessing movement patterns, observing posture and analysing areas of difficulty.
Where appropriate, we use standardised assessment tools such as:
Movement ABC 2: an assessment used for children used with motor coordination difficulties or dyspraxia. This assessment can be used to support a diagnosis of dyspraxia.
Gross Motor Function Measure: an assessment used for children with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.
Throughout the assessment process we will talk to you about your worries and put your goals at the forefront of our treatment.
Report Writing
Detailed reports can be written on request.
These may be used for a variety of purposes such as supporting applications for Disabled Living Allowance, Education Health & Care Plans and funding for equipment.
We can write a detailed outline of your child’s presentation and their physical needs.
Reports may include advice for further treatment & advice on referrals onto other agencies.
Reports can also be written up as a care package or treatment programme which can be used at home, school or with carers.
Specialist Physiotherapy Treatment
Treatment is designed specifically to each child using a variety of techniques and approaches. This can include hands-on therapy, individualised exercise plans, teaching functional skills and more.
Our goals are to maximise child’s ability to move, help them achieve developmental milestones and maximum participation in daily life and physical activity.
We offer a mobile service and can assess and treat your child in the most convenient location for you, be that at home, school, nursey and sport club.
SDR Services
At PT Kids, we have extensive experience of assessing and treating children who have undergone Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR). Our physiotherapists have assessed and treated 25+ children over a 5-year period including providing weekly, intensive rehabilitation.
We understand how the reduction or elimination of spasticity gives your child the opportunity to improve their function, mobility and independence.
We offer personalised rehabilitation plans to promote normal patterns of movement, improve strength and balance, gain postural alignment, re-educate walking patterns, etc. As well as this we can also work alongside existing programmes set at intensive therapy centres.
If you are considering SDR and would like to discuss your child’s pre- and post-operative physiotherapy needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Physiotherapy treatments can include:
- Gym ball activities
- Balance & coordination exercises
- Core stability programmes
- Ball skills
- Bike riding skills
- Gym based programmes
- Assessment & prescription of equipment
- Advice on orthotics
- Inclusive sports groups
- Swimming skills
- Teaching developmental milestones
- Rolling
- Sitting
- Crawling
- Standing
- Walking
- Neuro-developmental therapy (Bobath)
Musculo-Skeletal & Sports Injury Service
Across parts of the Yorkshire region, we offer physiotherapy to those children who suffer from muscle & bone injuries or conditions as well as sports injuries.
We assess and treat children of all ages & we are experts in childhood development. This ensures we are best placed to understand what stage of growth your child is in and how this affects their body systems.
Children are not just ‘miniature’ adults and should not be treated as such. There are also a number of conditions which are common in childhood that do not typically affect adults. Our team specialise only in the treatment of children. So you can be safe in the knowledge that we are well placed to understand your child’s needs.
Those children who experience pain either in joints or muscles may have their symptoms described as ‘growing pains’ and whilst some pain can be experienced during growth, we are able to understand if there may be anything underlying these symptoms and provide age-appropriate advice and therapy to reduce pain or provide further diagnosis.
For those children and young people who are talented at sports or performing at a high level in one particular sport, we provide screening and analysis of movement (such as running, jumping, hopping.) To help reduce the risk of injury and also improve technique, efficiency and performance.
If your child needs rehabilitation from an injury sustained during an accident, we provide progressive training to help get them back to doing their post-injury activities.
We offer a mobile service, providing assessment and treatment in the most convenient location to you. This may be at home, school, sports club or gym facility. We are able to offer sports clubs & teams a drop-in facility where multiple children can access our services on one evening.