Meet Leonie, 8 years old, Cerebral Palsy & Post-SDR
Please tell us a little about Leonie.
Leonie is nearly 8 years old. She has Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy. Leonie was diagnosed not long after her 1st birthday. Leonie was born a fighter, she fought to survive from a very premature birth and she continues to be very determined and motivated. This has led to her being nominated for a National Diversity Award as a Positive Role Model which we are over the moon and it goes to show us the impact she’s having on people watching her since her self- funded SDR operation in February 2019.
What made you decide to look into private therapy for Leonie?
Leonie had a self-funded SDR operation and therefore we had to self-fund to help Leonie with the post operation aftercare. Receiving specialist physiotherapy after this surgery is vital.
What has Leonie achieved through working with PT Kids?
Prior to her SDR Leonie’s only mobility was moving around the floor by using her head. Since SDR and with consistent intensive physiotherapy, Leonie can now:
• sit independently
• roll over
• sit to stand
• kneel with bench.
What’s the best thing about working with PT Kids & how valuable is the input?
PT Kids have given Leonie a new lease of life. She is a changed little girl. Our therapist, Beth, and Leonie have a great relationship and she gets her to do things she’s never done before! This is amazing to see how Leonie has physically, also mentally, improved leaps and bounds. Leonie feels confident with Beth and there is a great bond between them.
Well Done Leonie! It has been a pleasure to see your progress and be part of your story and the amazing success you have achieved.