Scheuermann’s Disease near Epworth

Scheuermann’s Disease information services near Epworth
Kyphosis occurs during periods of accelerated growth. In case the leading part of the spine doesn’t grow as the rear of the spine, the vertebrae become wedgeshaped. This change in form induces the Center of the back to bend Uncommonly, leading to a round or stooped posture forward Therapy varies depending upon: In acute instances, Scheuermann’s disease can have an impact on breathing or harm the spinal cord. The condition may also increase the chances of developing arthritis of their spine.
Signs of Scheuermann’s disease typically grow between ages 10 and 15, while bones are still growing.
There is An investigation granted if:
Tight hamstrings.
Reduction of flexibility.
Slouching, or posture that gets worse as time passes.
What Causes Scheuermann’s Disease? Scheuermann’s disease, or Scheuermann’s kyphosis, is a disorder where a child has a lot of curvature (or kyphosis) in the exact centre of the straight back.
Three vertebrae at arow reveal wedging of 5 degrees or longer.
The angle of the curvature of the spine (kyphosis) is 50 degrees or more.
The condition seems to run in families, Even though origin of Scheuermann’s disease is unknown. Roughly 4 to 8 percent of folks own it, also it occurs in men twice as often in females. Approximately 20 to 30 percent of patients that have Scheuermann’s disease also develop scoliosis Tests used to diagnose the disease of Scheuermann could comprise: Your child might receive treatment for the disease to relieve pain, fix curvature of the spine, or prevent a curvature out of worsening of Scheuermann.
The age of your child.
The severity of this curvature (kyphosis).
The preferences of you and your son or daughter.
What Is Scheuermann’s Disease?
Scheuermann’s Disease Symptoms and Effects
Xray: X-rays removed from the negative help show whether any vertebrae are wedged.
MRI: MRIs show detailed images of affected vertebrae, as well as surrounding tissues and the back.
CTscan: If needed, then a CT scan can offer an even more sophisticated perspective of their vertebrae.
Specialists begin with reviewing evaluation results and medical history, and performing a physical exam if you believe your child has Scheuermann’s illness.
What is the role of an Occupational Therapist?
They focus on helping children to overcome barriers that may stop them from participating in activities that are important to them. They help to increase independence, health and wellbeing. For children & young people occupational activities might include;

Self-help skills – Washing, dressing, feeding, toileting

School skills – handwriting, accessing the school environment, concentrating in class

Play skills – fine motor skills, participation in meaningful play, social skills, accessing hobbies

Independent living skills – making a meal, managing finances, travelling in the community, shopping

Comprehensive Assessment
During the assessment, your occupational therapist will want to understand; what your goals are, what you child struggles with as well as what skills you (and they) would like to improve.
They will observe your child, how they move and how they perform tasks.
We are able to utilise standardised assessments such as, the Sensory Profile 2, which helps understand the needs and difficulties of children with sensory issues or sensory processing disorder.
Occupational Therapy Treatment
We can provide treatment in a number of ways including:

Regular 1:1 therapy treatment with our occupational therapist

A programme of exercises & activities to be delivered by parents or school staff

Recommendation of equipment or devices which will make the activity easier

Advising the use of assistive technology (such as Apps for your iPad)

OT led recreation activities

Supported community activities (such as going on the bus or to the supermarket)There are lots of different treatment strategies in our OT’s toolbox and they will come up with a treatment plan that best suits your child’s individual needs.
Report Writing
Our OT’s can complete detailed reports outlining their findings from their assessment, this can include recommendations for your child’s OT needs such as; requirement for future therapy, equipment, adaptions to their environment and so on.
These reports can be used to help support applications to charities for funding, DLA applications as well as accessing additional help in school. We are able to write reports to assist the EHCP application process.
We write detailed reports as treating therapists to case management companies and solicitors.

Who We Help
Our private occupational therapists assess and treat a wide range of childhood conditions, as well as seeing children who may not have a formal diagnosis.
Here are some of the common conditions that we can help with:

Neurological conditions; Cerebral Palsy, Acquired Brain Injury, Spinal Injury

Genetic and chromosome conditions; Down’s Syndrome

Social communication conditions; Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD

Developmental conditions; Dyspraxia, Global Developmental Delay
So, if your child:

Is delayed in achieving their milestones

Struggles with motor skills other children their age have mastered

Has poor fine-motor skills or difficulty with manual dexterity

Struggles with day-to-day activities such as washing, dressing or feeding

Has difficulty with handwriting or struggling to keeping up with school work

Is particularly clumsy, falls over or has difficulty planning tasks

Has sensory difficulties

Needs specialist equipment to access activities

Needs specialist equipment to access activities

Or has a diagnosed condition
Who we work with?
We accept referrals for private occupational therapy near Grantham directly from families as well as working with a number of charities, education authorities, solicitors and case managers. We are treating therapists for a number of case management companies including AKA Case Management, Bush & Co and Harrisons Associates.
Whether you are looking for regular occupational therapy treatment or more of a one-off assessment of your child’s needs we can help.
If you have a concern we are happy to discuss this with you over the phone or via e-mail, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
For more details on Children’s Occupational Therapy near Epworth
Call us on 07980957845 or email us at